Sunday 23 August 2020 SCCC 271-4 (40 overs) Chipstead CW CC 132 all out (39 overs) Won by 139 runs 40 over match SCCC won the tossScorecard Toby Seeckts writes: Scottie was handed the captaincy at breakfast time, conditional on punctual arrival. He turned up last, but...
Sunday 9 August 2020 SCCC 171-8 (32 overs) Hufton’s XI 174-8 (30.4 overs) Lost by 2 wickets 32 over match Hufton’s XI won the toss Scorecard Richard Seeckts writes: A late addition to the fixture list, borne of Covid, a cancellation, boundless enthusiasm among...
Sunday 2nd August 2020 SCCC 230-5 (35 overs) Blackheath 139 all out (33.2 overs) Won by 91 runs 35 over match Blackheath won the toss Scorecard Grinders Juniors write: Entering August undefeated the Cryptics were flying high but expected a tough game against a...